
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Life Updates!

Hello! I know i been missing out for couple weeks and i missing you guys! Im sooo sorry! But i have been soooo busy with the school and i got another good excuse to tell you that i forgot to bring my camera so that is why i couldnt make any post. Actually i could without any pics, but i love to provide pics on my entry posts :) And few days ago, i got a cheap camera for school use and of course for this blog :)

Okay so i started my school at August 13th. I got my hands on hair designs for the whole 2 weeks. Here are some pics in case you wondering what i did at school :)

And this one is picture of me and roommate were getting ready for school! 

isnt she look so beautiiful? she is!

And recently i got nail polishes and swatches should be up in couple days or next week! 

So what are you been up to? :) 


  1. Nice those hair design...

  2. That's amazing!! tutorial please!!

  3. i'd love to make tutorial of thoae hair designs but it would be really hard to do it on my own hair because we arent allowed to bring home our mannequin head :(

    1. maybe you could do it on you roommate head? just kidding! I'm glad you enjoy beauty school!

    2. only if she wants :) thanks!

  4. Perfect plaits in the first picture my love! xx

  5. bagus sekaliii terpesona liat rambutnya *0*
    liat kepangan2nya rumit sekalii ><

    1. Makasih ya. iya rumit kepangannya sampe ulang 3 kali :(


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